Monday, February 21, 2011

Hey Sarah!

I've been reading Mistborn.
Sorry, that's a lie, I've been listening to the audiobook of Mistborn.  Can you imagine what would happen if I picked up a book?  It would get torn to sheds by my kids before I could find my place.
Anyway, I find it very interesting and I want to use all those big adult words like "thought provoking" and "harrowing". Not because that's what I think of it, but because I need a break from all the small two-year-old words I hear all day, like "No!" "Mine!" and "More!".
Speaking of harrowing experiences- wait, what does that even mean anyway? I'm going to look it up.
*Time Passes*
Yes, traumatic, that's a fun word, but not the right word for what I was trying to transition to. Oh well.
How are you adjusting to the new member of your family? I am of course talking about the ipod touch. (If you haven't adjusted to the baby yet I don't know what to tell you. Just don't forget where you put her.) I just tried to get you on facetime, but you didn't answer.
You were saying last night that one reason video phones haven't made it big is because we're not always fit to be seen. The same could be said of our houses. But it can ben nice to see you're not the only one who didn't get a chance to brush her hair, or put on make-up or do the dishes or dress the kids.